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CTN-0003 Case Study: Continuous or Binary Outcome, Fixed Sample Size

Josh Betz, Kelly Van Lancker, and Michael Rosenblum

Executive Summary

Randomly allocating participants to treatment arms will tend to produce groups that are initially comparable to one another across both observed and unobserved factors. In any given randomized trial, there will be some degree of imbalance in the distribution of baseline covariates between treatment groups. When a variable is a strong predictor of the outcome and is imbalanced across treatment arms, it represents a potential confounding variable and source of bias, even if these differences are not statistically significant (Assmann et al. 2000). Confounding can be addressed both in the design phase of a trial, using stratified randomization to lessen the potential imbalance, and in during the analysis phase, through covariate adjustment.

Both stratified randomization and covariate adjustment can lead to a more efficient trial, even if covariates are balanced across treatment groups: such approaches can lower the required sample size to detect a given treatment effect if it exists, or provide greater precision (shorter confidence interval widths and higher power) for the same sample size and treatment effect. When stratified randomization is used, covariate adjustment is generally suggested, but not always implemented, which can lead to reduced power and precision (Kahan and Morris 2011). The potential benefit of stratified randomization increases as the correlation between the stratification variable and the outcome increases, and the variability within the strata decreases relative to the variability between strata. Accessible and practical discussions of baseline balance, stratified randomized trials, and adjusted analyses are also available to offer further explanation and guidance to investigators Assmann et al. (2000).

When using regression models for inference, it is important to understand how model misspecification may affect statistical inference. Fortunately, there are several approaches to covariate-adjusted analyses whose validity does not depend on a correctly specified model, or provide inference with greater robustness to misspecification than those used in common practice.

This tutorial illustrates the use of covariate-adjusted analysis in clinical trials using a simulated dataset which mimics key features of an actual randomized trial in substance abuse. Covariate-adjusted estimates are also illustrated for trials with stratified randomization, using variance estimates that are more efficient than those that do not account for stratified randomization. All of the methods illustrated give estimates that are consistent even when the models are partly or wholly misspecified.

Continuous Outcomes

The estimand or quantity of interest in a randomized trial with a continuous or binary outcome is usually the average treatment effect (ATE): this is the difference in the mean outcome if everyone in the population received the treatment under investigation versus the mean outcome if everyone in the population received the control/comparator intervention. Let \(Y\) denote the outcome of interest and \(A\) denote the indicator of treatment (\(A_{i} = 1\) among the intervention group and \(A_{i} = 0\) among the control/comparator group)

\[ATE = E[Y \vert A=1\] − E[Y \vert A=0]\]

For continuous outcomes, adjustment for covariates can be done using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). This is a regression of the outcome on the treatment variable and baseline covariates. Even though the ANCOVA models the conditional distribution of the outcome given the treatment assignment and covariates, the identity link in the linear model means the marginal and conditional associations are identical, and the coefficient for the treatment indicator is the average treatment effect. When the data are completely observed or the rates of missingness are unrelated to the covariates, treatment, or outcomes (i.e. the missing completely at random or MAR assumption), the ANCOVA estimator is valid even under arbitrary model misspecification.

The ANCOVA does reduce bias and improve precision by adjusting for baseline covariates, but its variance estimate does not automatically account for stratified randomization. Additionally, missing data can potentially introduce bias if out model is not correctly specified and the MCAR assumption does not hold. These can be remedied by using a doubly robust weighted least squares (DR-WLS) estimator, which incorporates propensity score models that address imbalance and missing data. This estimator is called doubly robust because if either the outcome or propensity models are correctly specified, this estimator will be a consistent estimator of the average treatment effect. Both the ANCOVA and DR-WLS estimators can be modified to take advantage of stratified randomization, potentially yielding additional efficiency gains.

Other doubly robust estimators include the augmented inverse probablity weighted (AIPW) estimator and the targeted maximum likelihood estimator (TMLE), which can incorporate information from intermediate outcomes in order to reduce bias and increase precision when estimating the effect of the treatment on the final outcome.

Binary Outcomes

Unlike the ANCOVA, regression models for binary outcomes typically uses a nonlinear link function, such as the logistic, probit, or cumulative log-logistic links. In these models, the marginal and conditional associations do not necessarily coincide, and the coefficient for the treatment indicator does not correspond to the average treatment effect. In these cases, we can obtain a marginal treatment effect by averaging over the covariates. This average marginal effect (AME) is computed by using a regression model to predict the outcome for each individual under treatment and control, and then comparing the average prediction under treatment to the average prediction under control. This approach to inference is also known as G-computation. When any outcome data are missing, the DR-WLS, AIPW, or TMLE can be employed to obtain doubly robust inference for binary outcomes.

Ordinal Outcomes

If the outcome of interest is ordinal variable with \(K\) categories, there are other estimands that may be of interest. When categories can be assigned a numeric score or utility, one estimand of interest is the average treatment effect on the score or utility.

When the mean outcome is not defined, not meaningful, or simply not of interest, other estimands are available. The Mann-Whitney estimand, which estimates the probability that a randomly-selected individual from a population of treated individuals will have a better outcome than a randomly-selected individual from the population of indiviuals receiving the control or comparator intervention.

The Log Odds Ratio compares the odds of having an outcome of category \(k\) or higher in a population of treated individuals relative to a population receiving the control. The log of these odds ratios is then averaged across each of the \((K − 1)\) possible cutoffs of the outcome. This estimand is similar to the proportional odds logistic regression model, but its validity does not require the assumption that the model is correctly specified.

Covariate-adjusted estimators are also available for these estimands which are also doubly robust.

Using This Tutorial

This tutorial contains an example dataset as well as code to illustrate how to perform covariate adjustment in practice for continuous and binary outcomes using R. R is a free and open source language and statistical computing environment. Rstudio is a powerful development environment for using the R language. The ability of R can be extended by downloading software packages from the Comprehensive R Archival Network (CRAN). In R, these packages can be installed from the Comprehensive R Archival Network, or CRAN, using the install.packages() command. In Rstudio IDE, there is a ‘Packages’ tab that allows users to see which packages are installed, which packages are currently in use, and install or update packages using a graphical interface. Once the required packages are installed, data can be downloaded from Github, and users can run the code on their own devices.

Covariate Adjusted Analysis in Practice

Installing R Packages

The following packages and their dependencies needs to be installed:

  • tidyverse - An ecosystem of packages for working with data
  • table1 - Creating simple tabulations in aggregate and by treatment arm
  • margins - Computing Average Marginal Effects (AMEs)
  • drord - Doubly-Robust Estimators for Ordinal Outcomes
  • sandwich - Robust Estimation of Variance
required_packages <-


Once the required packages are installed, they can be loaded using library()


CTN03 Study Design

CTN03 was a phase III two arm trial to assess tapering schedules of the drug buprenorphine, a pharmacotherapy for opioid dependence. At the time of the study design, there was considerable variation in tapering schedules in practice, and a knowledge gap in terms of the best way to administer buprenorphine to control withdrawal symptoms and give the greatest chance of abstinence at the end of treatment. It was hypothesized that a longer taper schedule would result in greater likelihood of a participant being retained on study and providing opioid-free urine samples at the end of the drug taper schedule.

Participants were randomized 1:1 to a 7-day or 28-day taper using stratified block randomization across 11 sites in 10 US cities. Randomization was stratified by the maintenance dose of buprenorphine at stabilization: 8, 16, or 24 mg.

The results of CTN03 can be found here.

Creating Simulated Data:

The data in this template are simulated data, generated from probability models fit to the original study data, and not the actual data from the CTN03 trial. A new dataset was created by resampling with replacement from the original data, and then each variable in the new dataset was iteratively replaced using simulated values from probability models based on the original data.

Simulated CTN03 Data

The data can be loaded directly from Github. More information is available here.

data_url <-

load(file = url(data_url))

The complete simulated trial data without any missing values are in a data.frame named ctn03_sim, and a missingness mechanism based on baseline data is applied to ctn03_sim_mar.

  • Randomization Information
    • arm: Treatment Arm
    • stability_dose: Stratification Factor
  • Baseline Covariates
    • age: Participant age at baseline
    • sex: Participant sex
    • race: Participant race
    • ethnic: Participant ethnicity
    • marital: Participant marital status
  • Baseline (_bl) & End-Of-Taper (_eot) Outcomes:
    • arsw_score: Adjective Rating Scale for Withdrawal (ARSW) Score at baseline
    • cows_score: Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) Score at baseline
    • cows_category: COWS Severity Category - Ordinal
    • vas_crave_opiates: Visual Analog Scale (VAS) - Self report of opiate cravings
    • vas_current_withdrawal: Visual Analog Scale (VAS) - Current withdrawal symptoms
    • vas_study_tx_help: Visual Analog Scale (VAS) - Study treatment helping symptoms
    • uds_opioids: Urine Drug Screen Result - Opioids
    • uds_oxycodone: Urine Drug Screen Result - Oxycodone
    • uds_any_positive: Urine Drug Screen - Any positive result

Reference level for Treatment

When the treatment is a factor variable, we can use the levels() function to see the reference level (i.e. the comparator/control group): it will appear as the first level.

# Check reference level
## [1] "28-day" "7-day"

Make sure that the reference level is appropriately chosen before running analyses.

Baseline Demographics & Stratum

Below are summary statistics of participant characteristics at baseline:

  ~ age + sex + race + ethnic + marital + stability_dose | arm, 
  data = ctn03_sim
Mean (SD) 35.9 (11.4) 36.3 (11.1) 36.1 (11.2)
Median [Min, Max] 34.0 [18.0, 65.0] 37.0 [19.0, 62.0] 35.0 [18.0, 65.0]
Male 173 (66.3%) 201 (78.8%) 374 (72.5%)
Female 88 (33.7%) 54 (21.2%) 142 (27.5%)
White 185 (70.9%) 199 (78.0%) 384 (74.4%)
Black/African American 30 (11.5%) 25 (9.8%) 55 (10.7%)
Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino 12 (4.6%) 15 (5.9%) 27 (5.2%)
Other 3 (1.1%) 4 (1.6%) 7 (1.4%)
Multiple 31 (11.9%) 12 (4.7%) 43 (8.3%)
Not Hispanic 240 (92.0%) 236 (92.5%) 476 (92.2%)
Hispanic 21 (8.0%) 19 (7.5%) 40 (7.8%)
Married/Cohabitating 60 (23.0%) 80 (31.4%) 140 (27.1%)
Never married 129 (49.4%) 111 (43.5%) 240 (46.5%)
Divorced/Separated/Widowed 72 (27.6%) 64 (25.1%) 136 (26.4%)
8 mg 21 (8.0%) 17 (6.7%) 38 (7.4%)
16 mg 86 (33.0%) 69 (27.1%) 155 (30.0%)
24 mg 154 (59.0%) 169 (66.3%) 323 (62.6%)

End-of-Taper Outcomes

Below are summary statistics of the baseline outcomes: if there are clinically significant imbalances between treatment arms, an adjusted estimator can reduce the bias that this may introduce.

  ~ arsw_score_bl + cows_total_score_bl + vas_crave_opiates_bl +
    vas_current_withdrawal_bl + vas_study_tx_help_bl +
    uds_opioids_bl + uds_oxycodone_bl + uds_any_positive_bl | arm,
  data = ctn03_sim
Mean (SD) 10.9 (12.7) 11.4 (15.0) 11.1 (13.9)
Median [Min, Max] 8.00 [0, 99.0] 9.00 [0, 171] 8.50 [0, 171]
Mean (SD) 0.966 (1.47) 0.902 (1.30) 0.934 (1.39)
Median [Min, Max] 0 [0, 8.00] 0 [0, 9.00] 0 [0, 9.00]
Mean (SD) 12.9 (17.1) 15.0 (19.4) 13.9 (18.3)
Median [Min, Max] 6.00 [0, 91.0] 7.00 [0, 97.0] 7.00 [0, 97.0]
Mean (SD) 7.64 (11.9) 8.34 (13.9) 7.98 (12.9)
Median [Min, Max] 3.00 [0, 87.0] 3.00 [0, 87.0] 3.00 [0, 87.0]
Mean (SD) 81.5 (19.3) 81.8 (21.1) 81.6 (20.2)
Median [Min, Max] 88.0 [10.0, 100] 90.0 [6.00, 100] 89.0 [6.00, 100]
Negative 170 (65.1%) 188 (73.7%) 358 (69.4%)
Positive 91 (34.9%) 67 (26.3%) 158 (30.6%)
Negative 204 (78.2%) 208 (81.6%) 412 (79.8%)
Positive 57 (21.8%) 47 (18.4%) 104 (20.2%)
Negative 80 (30.7%) 109 (42.7%) 189 (36.6%)
Positive 181 (69.3%) 146 (57.3%) 327 (63.4%)

End-of-Taper Outcomes

Here we summarize the outcomes of the study if there were no missing data:

  ~ arsw_score_eot + cows_total_score_eot + vas_crave_opiates_eot +
    vas_current_withdrawal_eot + vas_study_tx_help_eot +
    uds_opioids_eot + uds_oxycodone_eot + uds_any_positive_eot | arm,
  data = ctn03_sim
Mean (SD) 18.9 (29.1) 20.6 (32.4) 19.7 (30.8)
Median [Min, Max] 7.00 [0, 144] 7.00 [0, 144] 7.00 [0, 144]
Mean (SD) 2.65 (3.39) 2.55 (3.06) 2.60 (3.23)
Median [Min, Max] 1.00 [0, 23.0] 2.00 [0, 18.0] 2.00 [0, 23.0]
Mean (SD) 29.2 (28.7) 27.1 (26.5) 28.2 (27.6)
Median [Min, Max] 20.0 [0, 100] 20.0 [0, 99.0] 20.0 [0, 100]
Mean (SD) 21.5 (24.5) 17.9 (21.2) 19.7 (22.9)
Median [Min, Max] 10.0 [0, 98.0] 10.0 [0, 100] 10.0 [0, 100]
Mean (SD) 76.8 (33.6) 77.7 (32.8) 77.3 (33.2)
Median [Min, Max] 94.0 [0, 100] 92.0 [0, 100] 93.0 [0, 100]
Negative 147 (56.3%) 167 (65.5%) 314 (60.9%)
Positive 114 (43.7%) 88 (34.5%) 202 (39.1%)
Negative 179 (68.6%) 198 (77.6%) 377 (73.1%)
Positive 82 (31.4%) 57 (22.4%) 139 (26.9%)
Negative 91 (34.9%) 84 (32.9%) 175 (33.9%)
Positive 170 (65.1%) 171 (67.1%) 341 (66.1%)

Note that when data are missing, summary statistics may be potentially misleading:

  ~ arsw_score_eot + cows_total_score_eot + vas_crave_opiates_eot +
    vas_current_withdrawal_eot + vas_study_tx_help_eot +
    uds_opioids_eot + uds_oxycodone_eot + uds_any_positive_eot | arm,
  data = ctn03_sim_mar %>% 
Mean (SD) 19.4 (27.7) 20.7 (33.1) 20.1 (30.9)
Median [Min, Max] 7.00 [0, 144] 6.50 [0, 144] 7.00 [0, 144]
Mean (SD) 2.43 (2.98) 2.54 (3.10) 2.49 (3.05)
Median [Min, Max] 2.00 [0, 17.0] 1.50 [0, 18.0] 2.00 [0, 18.0]
Mean (SD) 28.0 (27.3) 27.7 (26.3) 27.9 (26.7)
Median [Min, Max] 20.0 [0, 100] 21.0 [0, 99.0] 21.0 [0, 100]
Mean (SD) 21.7 (25.6) 19.3 (22.0) 20.3 (23.6)
Median [Min, Max] 9.00 [0, 98.0] 12.0 [0, 97.0] 10.0 [0, 98.0]
Mean (SD) 77.0 (34.2) 78.7 (32.0) 78.0 (32.9)
Median [Min, Max] 95.0 [0, 100] 94.0 [0, 100] 95.0 [0, 100]
Negative 88 (58.3%) 132 (65.3%) 220 (62.3%)
Positive 63 (41.7%) 70 (34.7%) 133 (37.7%)
Negative 111 (73.5%) 154 (76.2%) 265 (75.1%)
Positive 40 (26.5%) 48 (23.8%) 88 (24.9%)
Negative 56 (37.1%) 64 (31.7%) 120 (34.0%)
Positive 95 (62.9%) 138 (68.3%) 233 (66.0%)

Continuous Outcome: ARSW Score

Unadjusted: Unequal Variance Two-sample t-test

The validity of inference assumes that data are missing completely at random (MCAR): Missingness is unrelated to the observed data (baseline covariates, treatment, nonmissing outcomes) and the missing data (the missing outcomes). The MCAR assumption can and should be assessed empirically by assessing relationships between the observed data and missingness of outcomes. The t-test will also be more conservative when stratified randomization is used.

arsw_t_test <-
    formula = arsw_score_eot ~ arm,
    data = ctn03_sim,
    conf.level = 0.95

# Print a summary of the `htest` object
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  arsw_score_eot by arm
## t = -0.59912, df = 505.18, p-value = 0.5494
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -6.958148  3.706131
## sample estimates:
## mean in group 28-day  mean in group 7-day 
##             18.93870             20.56471
diff(arsw_t_test$estimate) # Estimate
## mean in group 7-day 
##            1.626009
arsw_t_test$stderr^2 # Variance = (Standard Error)^2
## [1] 7.365858
arsw_t_test$ # Confidence Interval
## [1] -6.958148  3.706131
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95

Note that missing data results in increased variance, as well as the potential for bias:

arsw_t_test_missing <-
    formula = arsw_score_eot ~ arm,
    data = ctn03_sim_mar,
    conf.level = 0.95

# Print a summary of the `htest` object
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  arsw_score_eot by arm
## t = -0.39991, df = 346.47, p-value = 0.6895
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -7.678610  5.083698
## sample estimates:
## mean in group 28-day  mean in group 7-day 
##             19.37086             20.66832
diff(arsw_t_test_missing$estimate) # Estimate
## mean in group 7-day 
##            1.297456
arsw_t_test_missing$stderr^2 # Variance = (Standard Error)^2
## [1] 10.52599
arsw_t_test_missing$ # Confidence Interval
## [1] -7.678610  5.083698
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95

Adjusted: Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)

Model 1 - Adjusted for Baseline ARSW & Strata

The ANCOVA involves regressing the outcome on baseline covariates and treatment assignment. When stratified randomization is used, the stratification variable (here stability_dose) should be included in the model. Ideally, the estimate of the variance should also incorporate information from the randomization in order to be as efficient as possible - the ANCOVA does not make full use of this information.

arsw_ancova_1 <-
    formula = 
      arsw_score_eot ~ arm + arsw_score_bl + stability_dose,
    data = ctn03_sim

summary(arsw_ancova_1) # Print a summary of the `lm` object
## Call:
## lm(formula = arsw_score_eot ~ arm + arsw_score_bl + stability_dose, 
##     data = ctn03_sim)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -53.922 -16.469 -11.933   1.878 127.365 
## Coefficients:
##                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)         13.22445    5.31996   2.486  0.01324 *  
## arm7-day             1.41030    2.69123   0.524  0.60048    
## arsw_score_bl        0.35841    0.09718   3.688  0.00025 ***
## stability_dose16 mg  1.91771    5.54293   0.346  0.72951    
## stability_dose24 mg  2.00169    5.25732   0.381  0.70355    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 30.47 on 511 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.02661,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.01899 
## F-statistic: 3.492 on 4 and 511 DF,  p-value: 0.00793
coef(arsw_ancova_1)["arm7-day"] # Estimate
## arm7-day 
## 1.410297
diag(vcov(arsw_ancova_1))["arm7-day"] # Variance of Estimate
## arm7-day 
## 7.242741
# Confidence Interval
  object = arsw_ancova_1,
  level = 0.95
##     2.5 %    97.5 % 
## -3.876947  6.697542

When we have missing data, the ANCOVA can be more precise than the unadjusted estimator. However, without accounting for missing data, this estimate is only valid under the assumption that the outcome model is correctly specified or assuming that the data are missing completely at random, both of which are very strong assumptions.

arsw_ancova_1_missing <-
    formula = 
      arsw_score_eot ~ arm + arsw_score_bl,
    data = ctn03_sim_mar

summary(arsw_ancova_1_missing) # Print a summary of the `lm` object
## Call:
## lm(formula = arsw_score_eot ~ arm + arsw_score_bl, data = ctn03_sim_mar)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -59.709 -16.711 -12.184   4.751 125.816 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)    15.5796     2.7176   5.733 2.13e-08 ***
## arm7-day        0.6043     3.2850   0.184 0.854154    
## arsw_score_bl   0.3832     0.1123   3.414 0.000716 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 30.48 on 350 degrees of freedom
##   (163 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.03264,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.02711 
## F-statistic: 5.904 on 2 and 350 DF,  p-value: 0.003006
coef(arsw_ancova_1_missing)["arm7-day"] # Estimate
##  arm7-day 
## 0.6043013
diag(vcov(arsw_ancova_1_missing))["arm7-day"] # Variance of Estimate
## arm7-day 
## 10.79138
# Confidence Interval
  object = arsw_ancova_1_missing,
  level = 0.95
##     2.5 %    97.5 % 
## -5.856567  7.065170

Model 2 - Adjusted for Baseline Variables

Here, we can include more baseline variables to potentially gain more precision. Again, since the ANCOVA does not make use of stratified randomization in the variance estimate, inference will be conservative.

arsw_ancova_2 <-
    formula = 
      arsw_score_eot ~ arm + arsw_score_bl +
      stability_dose + age + sex + marital +
      cows_total_score_bl + vas_crave_opiates_bl +
      vas_current_withdrawal_bl + vas_study_tx_help_bl +
      uds_opioids_bl + uds_oxycodone_bl + uds_any_positive_bl,
    data = ctn03_sim

summary(arsw_ancova_2) # Print a summary of the `lm` object
## Call:
## lm(formula = arsw_score_eot ~ arm + arsw_score_bl + stability_dose + 
##     age + sex + marital + cows_total_score_bl + vas_crave_opiates_bl + 
##     vas_current_withdrawal_bl + vas_study_tx_help_bl + uds_opioids_bl + 
##     uds_oxycodone_bl + uds_any_positive_bl, data = ctn03_sim)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -49.931 -15.883  -8.943   3.321 134.249 
## Coefficients:
##                                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                       21.089609  11.074727   1.904 0.057445 .  
## arm7-day                           0.220245   2.711453   0.081 0.935293    
## arsw_score_bl                     -0.158377   0.155313  -1.020 0.308351    
## stability_dose16 mg                1.645439   5.478747   0.300 0.764049    
## stability_dose24 mg                3.528432   5.273791   0.669 0.503772    
## age                               -0.103443   0.147243  -0.703 0.482674    
## sexFemale                          1.749434   3.052881   0.573 0.566873    
## maritalNever married              -6.661046   3.471809  -1.919 0.055603 .  
## maritalDivorced/Separated/Widowed -7.128804   3.828493  -1.862 0.063184 .  
## cows_total_score_bl                2.635313   1.037318   2.541 0.011371 *  
## vas_crave_opiates_bl               0.159918   0.095198   1.680 0.093614 .  
## vas_current_withdrawal_bl          0.498158   0.148224   3.361 0.000836 ***
## vas_study_tx_help_bl              -0.007385   0.070471  -0.105 0.916583    
## uds_opioids_blPositive            -2.325451   3.745441  -0.621 0.534965    
## uds_oxycodone_blPositive           0.325448   3.990218   0.082 0.935028    
## uds_any_positive_blPositive       -2.497936   3.278821  -0.762 0.446515    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 29.82 on 500 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.08788,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.06052 
## F-statistic: 3.212 on 15 and 500 DF,  p-value: 4.29e-05
coef(arsw_ancova_2)["arm7-day"] # Estimate
## arm7-day 
## 0.220245
diag(vcov(arsw_ancova_2))["arm7-day"] # Variance of Estimate
## arm7-day 
## 7.351975
# Confidence Interval
  object = arsw_ancova_2,
  level = 0.95
##    2.5 %   97.5 % 
## -5.10700  5.54749

Again, without accounting for missing data, the ANCOVA estimate is only valid under the assumption that the outcome model is correctly specified or the data are missing completely at random.

arsw_ancova_2_missing <-
    formula = 
      arsw_score_eot ~ arm + arsw_score_bl +
      stability_dose + age + sex + marital +
      cows_total_score_bl + vas_crave_opiates_bl +
      vas_current_withdrawal_bl + vas_study_tx_help_bl +
      uds_opioids_bl + uds_oxycodone_bl + uds_any_positive_bl,
    data = ctn03_sim

summary(arsw_ancova_2_missing) # Print a summary of the `lm` object
## Call:
## lm(formula = arsw_score_eot ~ arm + arsw_score_bl + stability_dose + 
##     age + sex + marital + cows_total_score_bl + vas_crave_opiates_bl + 
##     vas_current_withdrawal_bl + vas_study_tx_help_bl + uds_opioids_bl + 
##     uds_oxycodone_bl + uds_any_positive_bl, data = ctn03_sim)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -49.931 -15.883  -8.943   3.321 134.249 
## Coefficients:
##                                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                       21.089609  11.074727   1.904 0.057445 .  
## arm7-day                           0.220245   2.711453   0.081 0.935293    
## arsw_score_bl                     -0.158377   0.155313  -1.020 0.308351    
## stability_dose16 mg                1.645439   5.478747   0.300 0.764049    
## stability_dose24 mg                3.528432   5.273791   0.669 0.503772    
## age                               -0.103443   0.147243  -0.703 0.482674    
## sexFemale                          1.749434   3.052881   0.573 0.566873    
## maritalNever married              -6.661046   3.471809  -1.919 0.055603 .  
## maritalDivorced/Separated/Widowed -7.128804   3.828493  -1.862 0.063184 .  
## cows_total_score_bl                2.635313   1.037318   2.541 0.011371 *  
## vas_crave_opiates_bl               0.159918   0.095198   1.680 0.093614 .  
## vas_current_withdrawal_bl          0.498158   0.148224   3.361 0.000836 ***
## vas_study_tx_help_bl              -0.007385   0.070471  -0.105 0.916583    
## uds_opioids_blPositive            -2.325451   3.745441  -0.621 0.534965    
## uds_oxycodone_blPositive           0.325448   3.990218   0.082 0.935028    
## uds_any_positive_blPositive       -2.497936   3.278821  -0.762 0.446515    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 29.82 on 500 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.08788,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.06052 
## F-statistic: 3.212 on 15 and 500 DF,  p-value: 4.29e-05
coef(arsw_ancova_2_missing)["arm7-day"] # Estimate
## arm7-day 
## 0.220245
diag(vcov(arsw_ancova_2_missing))["arm7-day"] # Variance of Estimate
## arm7-day 
## 7.351975
# Confidence Interval
  object = arsw_ancova_2_missing,
  level = 0.95
##    2.5 %   97.5 % 
## -5.10700  5.54749

Adjusted for Baseline Variables & Stratified Design

The Inference under Covariate Adaptive Design (ICAD) framework can be used to make full use of the stratified randomization. ICAD not only allows adjustment for baseline covariates, but also can gain efficiency from designs with stratified randomization. When the strata are correlated with the response, and when the variation between strata is large relative to the variation within strata, variance estimates which incorporate the strata will be more efficient than those that ignore the stratified randomization.

icad_continuous_binary_link <-

baseline_covariates <-
  c("age", "sex", "marital",
    "arsw_score_bl", "cows_total_score_bl",
    "vas_crave_opiates_bl", "vas_current_withdrawal_bl", "vas_study_tx_help_bl",
    "uds_opioids_bl", "uds_oxycodone_bl", "uds_any_positive_bl")

arsw_icad <-
    # Outcome: 1 if Negative, 0 if Positive or Missing
    Y = ctn03_sim$arsw_score_eot, 
    A = 1*(ctn03_sim$arm == "7-day"), # Treatment indicator - Must be 1/0
    Strata = ctn03_sim$stability_dose, # Abstinence x Substance Strata
    W = ctn03_sim[, baseline_covariates],
    pi = 0.5 # 1:1 Randomization

##                          est      var  CI.lower CI.upper
## unadjusted          1.626009 7.331891 -3.681077 6.933094
## adjusted-for-strata 1.618690 7.331891 -3.688396 6.925776
## adjusted-for-all    0.220245 6.692248 -4.850060 5.290550

In this particular dataset, the stratification variable does not appear to be strongly related to the response. When there are missing outcomes, ICAD produces the DR-WLS estimator.

arsw_icad_missing <-
    # Outcome: 1 if Negative, 0 if Positive or Missing
    Y = ctn03_sim_mar$arsw_score_eot, 
    A = 1*(ctn03_sim_mar$arm == "7-day"), # Treatment indicator - Must be 1/0
    Strata = ctn03_sim_mar$stability_dose, # Abstinence x Substance Strata
    W = ctn03_sim_mar[, baseline_covariates],
    pi = 0.5 # 1:1 Randomization

##                            est       var  CI.lower CI.upper
## unadjsed             1.2974559 10.805138 -5.145175 7.740087
## adjusted-for-strata  1.1844728 10.805077 -5.258140 7.627086
## adjusted-for-all    -0.6216036  9.766322 -6.746710 5.503502
## drwls               -0.7356085 10.239015 -7.007192 5.535975

Binary Outcomes: Opioids by Urine Drug Screening (UDS)

Two Sample Test of Proportions

Similar to the t-test, the validity of from a two-sample test of proportions assumes that data are missing completely at random (MCAR), which should be empirically assessed.

opioids_prop_test <-
    x = with(ctn03_sim, table(uds_opioids_eot, arm))

##  2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
## data:  with(ctn03_sim, table(uds_opioids_eot, arm))
## X-squared = 4.1745, df = 1, p-value = 0.04104
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.18814378 -0.00426336
## sample estimates:
##    prop 1    prop 2 
## 0.4681529 0.5643564
diff(opioids_prop_test$estimate) # Estimate
##     prop 2 
## 0.09620357
opioids_prop_test$ # Confidence Interval
## [1] -0.18814378 -0.00426336
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95
opioids_prop_test$p.value # P-Value
## [1] 0.04103575

Again, missing data not only increases variance, but also introduces potential bias:

opioids_prop_test_missing <-
    x = with(ctn03_sim_mar, table(uds_opioids_eot, arm))

##  2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
## data:  with(ctn03_sim_mar, table(uds_opioids_eot, arm))
## X-squared = 1.5498, df = 1, p-value = 0.2132
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.18644715  0.03907873
## sample estimates:
##    prop 1    prop 2 
## 0.4000000 0.4736842
diff(opioids_prop_test_missing$estimate) # Estimate
##     prop 2 
## 0.07368421
opioids_prop_test_missing$ # Confidence Interval
## [1] -0.18644715  0.03907873
## attr(,"conf.level")
## [1] 0.95
opioids_prop_test_missing$p.value # P-Value
## [1] 0.2131611

Adjusted for Covariates: G-Computation

We can use a logistic regression to adjust for baseline covariates with a binary outcome, however, inference is not as straightforward as with ANCOVA. The coefficient in a logistic regression is a conditional association: it is the associated change in the log odds of the outcome with a unit change in the predictor when holding all other variables constant. The average treatment effect is a marginal, not conditional quantity. In order to obtain the average treatment effect, we must marginalize by averaging over the covariates. First, fit a logistic regression model for the outcome.

opioids_glm <-
    formula = 
      1*(ctn03_sim$uds_opioids_eot == "Negative") ~
      arm + arsw_score_eot +
      stability_dose + age + sex + marital +
      cows_total_score_bl + vas_crave_opiates_bl +
      vas_current_withdrawal_bl + vas_study_tx_help_bl +
      uds_opioids_bl + uds_oxycodone_bl + uds_any_positive_bl,
    data = ctn03_sim,
    family = binomial(link = "logit")

summary(opioids_glm) # Print a summary of the `lm` object
## Call:
## glm(formula = 1 * (ctn03_sim$uds_opioids_eot == "Negative") ~ 
##     arm + arsw_score_eot + stability_dose + age + sex + marital + 
##         cows_total_score_bl + vas_crave_opiates_bl + vas_current_withdrawal_bl + 
##         vas_study_tx_help_bl + uds_opioids_bl + uds_oxycodone_bl + 
##         uds_any_positive_bl, family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
##     data = ctn03_sim)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -2.2493  -0.7370   0.5552   0.7316   2.0468  
## Coefficients:
##                                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)                        0.591838   0.891477   0.664  0.50676    
## arm7-day                           0.136351   0.220632   0.618  0.53658    
## arsw_score_eot                     0.002325   0.003817   0.609  0.54241    
## stability_dose16 mg                1.213039   0.428571   2.830  0.00465 ** 
## stability_dose24 mg                1.139822   0.412592   2.763  0.00573 ** 
## age                               -0.007705   0.011870  -0.649  0.51625    
## sexFemale                         -0.279525   0.247945  -1.127  0.25959    
## maritalNever married              -0.389937   0.287230  -1.358  0.17460    
## maritalDivorced/Separated/Widowed -0.112614   0.316909  -0.355  0.72233    
## cows_total_score_bl                0.104553   0.084008   1.245  0.21329    
## vas_crave_opiates_bl               0.010931   0.007350   1.487  0.13693    
## vas_current_withdrawal_bl         -0.017388   0.010014  -1.736  0.08252 .  
## vas_study_tx_help_bl               0.003060   0.005636   0.543  0.58712    
## uds_opioids_blPositive            -2.468361   0.307377  -8.030 9.71e-16 ***
## uds_oxycodone_blPositive           0.423671   0.324342   1.306  0.19147    
## uds_any_positive_blPositive       -0.598961   0.271839  -2.203  0.02757 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 690.82  on 515  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 529.26  on 500  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 561.26
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

We obtain an estimate of the ATE estimate this by plugging in estimating of the probabilities from a fitted model: this involves obtaining a prediction for each individual as if they were assigned to treatment, and a prediction for each individual assigned to control, and marginalize over the covariates by taking the sample average:

# Predict Pr{Y = 1 | A = 1}
pr_y1_a1 <-
    object = opioids_glm,
    newdata =
      ctn03_sim %>% 
        arm = "7-day"
    type = "response"

# Predict Pr{Y = 1 | A = 0}
pr_y1_a0 <-
    object = opioids_glm,
    newdata =
      ctn03_sim %>% 
        arm = "28-day"
    type = "response"

mean(pr_y1_a1) - mean(pr_y1_a0) # Estimate
## [1] 0.02287549

Note that this process just produces a point estimate of the ATE: confidence intervals can be obtained using the delta method, bootstrap, or influence functions.

opioids_margins <-
    model = opioids_glm,
    # Specify treatment variable
    variables = "arm",
    # Obtain robust standard errors
    vcov = vcovHC(opioids_glm)

summary(object = opioids_margins)
##    factor    AME     SE      z      p   lower  upper
##  arm7-day 0.0229 0.0372 0.6154 0.5383 -0.0500 0.0957

Note that the G-computation estimate does not account for missing data or stratified randomization. Adjustment for missing data can be done by constructing propensity score models for treatment and missingness, giving the DR-WLS estimator. For continuous and binary outcomes, there are existing methods to account for stratified randomization.

Adjusted for Baseline Variables & Stratified Design

The ICAD function can also handle binary outcomes using the argument family = "binomial":

baseline_covariates <-
  c("age", "sex", "marital",
    "arsw_score_bl", "cows_total_score_bl",
    "vas_crave_opiates_bl", "vas_current_withdrawal_bl", "vas_study_tx_help_bl",
    "uds_opioids_bl", "uds_oxycodone_bl", "uds_any_positive_bl")

opioids_icad <-
    # Outcome: 1 if Negative, 0 if Positive or Missing
    Y = 1*(ctn03_sim$uds_opioids_eot == "Negative"), 
    A = 1*(ctn03_sim$arm == "7-day"), # Treatment indicator - Must be 1/0
    Strata = ctn03_sim$stability_dose, # Abstinence x Substance Strata
    W = ctn03_sim[, baseline_covariates],
    pi = 0.5, # 1:1 Randomization
    family = "binomial"

##                            est         var     CI.lower   CI.upper
## unadjusted          0.09168357 0.001814535  0.008194288 0.17517285
## adjusted-for-strata 0.09263800 0.001814495  0.009149625 0.17612637
## adjusted-for-all    0.02301603 0.001291296 -0.047414517 0.09344657

Since there does not appear to be a strong relationship between the strata and the outcome, there appears to be minimal gain in efficiency from adjustment. When there is missing data in the outcome, ICAD calculates the DR-WLS estimate of the average treatment effect:

baseline_covariates <-
  c("age", "sex", "marital",
    "arsw_score_bl", "cows_total_score_bl",
    "vas_crave_opiates_bl", "vas_current_withdrawal_bl", "vas_study_tx_help_bl",
    "uds_opioids_bl", "uds_oxycodone_bl", "uds_any_positive_bl")

opioids_icad_missing <-
    # Outcome: 1 if Negative, 0 if Positive or Missing
    Y = 1*(ctn03_sim_mar$uds_opioids_eot == "Negative"), 
    A = 1*(ctn03_sim_mar$arm == "7-day"), # Treatment indicator - Must be 1/0
    Strata = ctn03_sim_mar$stability_dose, # Abstinence x Substance Strata
    W = ctn03_sim_mar[, baseline_covariates],
    pi = 0.5, # 1:1 Randomization
    family = "binomial"
## Warning in eval(family$initialize): non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!

Warning in eval(family$initialize): non-integer #successes in a binomial glm! arises even when the outcomes are all binary - this happens when weights are used in glm and the binomial family is specified. If your outcome is binary, this can be safely ignored. Using the quasibinomial family in GLMs can avoid this message.

##                            est         var    CI.lower  CI.upper
## unadjsed            0.07068389 0.002601561 -0.02928505 0.1706528
## adjusted-for-strata 0.07374103 0.002601386 -0.02622455 0.1737066
## adjusted-for-all    0.01828269 0.001815700 -0.06523340 0.1017988
## drwls               0.02303305 0.002019535 -0.06504623 0.1111123

The DR-WLS Estimator has less restrictive assumptions about missingness: if either the outcome model or the missingness model are correctly specified, the DR-WLS estimator is a consistent estimator of the average treatment effect.

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