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There are several excellent resources available to provide both background on group sequential design methods and examples of planning and analyses using R:

Since group sequential design methodology can also implemented in information monitoring trials, users should understand the fundamentals of these designs.

Using impart

There are several vignettes built into impart: these include vignettes on information monitoring designs as well as group sequential designs. To see all available vignettes in impart, use the vignettes command:

print(vignette(package = "impart"))
#> no vignettes found

If you are using impart in practice, please

citation(package = "impart")
#> To cite package 'impart' in publications use:
#>   Van Lancker K, Betz J, Rosenblum M (2024). _impart: Information
#>   Monitoring for Precision Adaptive Randomized Trials_. R package
#>   version 0.1.0,,
#>   <>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Manual{,
#>     title = {impart: Information Monitoring for Precision Adaptive Randomized Trials},
#>     author = {Kelly {Van Lancker} and Josh Betz and Michael Rosenblum},
#>     year = {2024},
#>     note = {R package version 0.1.0, 
#>     url = {},
#>   }