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These functions provide an asymptotic approximation to the information (i.e. precision, inverse of the variance) provided by two samples under either an assumed value of the Mann-Whitney estimand or probability mass functions (PMFs) of an ordinal outcome in treatment and control populations.


  mw = NULL,
  pmf_1 = NULL,
  pmf_0 = NULL,
  adjust = TRUE



Numeric vector containing the sample size in the control arm


Numeric vector containing the sample size in the treatment arm


Numeric vector containing the Mann-Whitney estimand


Numeric vector or matrix of row vectors, each containing the probability mass function of outcomes in the population of individuals receiving the active intervention


Numeric vector or matrix of row vectors, each containing the probability mass function of outcomes in the population of individuals receiving the control intervention


(Scalar: Logical) Should the estimand be adjusted for ties? NOTE: This can only be computed when pmf_0 and pmf_1 are supplied.


When all parameters are scalars, the result is a scalar, indicating the approximate information. When multiple values are specified, a grid of unique parameters are constructed, and the approximate information is computed for each value of the parameters.

See also


# When a single value is supplied for each parameter, a scalar is returned:
    n_0 = 100,
    n_1 = 100,
    mw = 0.75,
    adjust = FALSE
#> [1] 0.001185536

# When multiple values are supplied for one or more parameters, the grid of
# parameters are created, and a data.frame is returned.
  n_0 = c(100, 150),
  n_1 = c(100, 150),
  mw = 0.75,
  adjust = FALSE
#>   n_0 n_1   mw t information_asymptotic
#> 1 100 100 0.75 1           0.0011855357
#> 2 150 100 0.75 1           0.0009867857
#> 3 100 150 0.75 1           0.0009867857
#> 4 150 150 0.75 1           0.0007888095

# Specifying PMFs - With and Without Tie Adjustment
  n_0 = 100,
  n_1 = 100,
  pmf_0 = c(0.2, 0.2, 0.6),
  pmf_1 = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8),
  adjust = TRUE
#> [1] 0.001036432

# Specifying Multiple PMFs
  n_0 = 100,
  n_1 = 100,
  pmf_0 =
      c(0.2, 0.2, 0.6),
      c(0.3, 0.1, 0.6)
  pmf_1 =
      c(0.1, 0.1, 0.8),
      c(0.05, 0.05, 0.9)
  adjust = TRUE
#>   n_0 n_1 pmf_0 pmf_1    mw         t pmf_0_1 pmf_0_2 pmf_0_3 pmf_1_1 pmf_1_2
#> 1 100 100     1     1 0.600 0.6502663     0.2     0.2     0.6    0.10    0.10
#> 2 100 100     2     1 0.610 0.6480162     0.3     0.1     0.6    0.10    0.10
#> 3 100 100     1     2 0.650 0.5742331     0.2     0.2     0.6    0.05    0.05
#> 4 100 100     2     2 0.655 0.5723581     0.3     0.1     0.6    0.05    0.05
#>   pmf_1_3 information_asymptotic
#> 1     0.8           0.0010364315
#> 2     0.8           0.0010218898
#> 3     0.9           0.0008578564
#> 4     0.9           0.0008481421