Data from an adjuvant chemotherapy trial for colon cancer with variables
renamed and labeled, missing covariates imputed, and time scale converted
to years. For more information, see ?survival::colon
A tibble: 614 × 18
- .id
Participant ID
- arm
Treatment Assignment
- age
Patient age
- sex
Patient sex
- obstruction
Colon obstruction by tumor
- perforation
Colon perforation by tumor
- organ_adherence
Organ adherence by tumor
- positive_nodes
Lymph nodes with detectable cancer
- differentiation
Differentiation of tumor
- local_spread
Extent of local spread of tumor
- time_surgery_registration
Time from surgery to registration
- event_death
Death on study (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- event_recurrence
Recurrence (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- years_to_death
Time to death/censoring in years
- years_to_recurrence
Time to recurrence/censoring in years
- tx
Binary treatment indicator (1 = Lev+5FU, 0 = Lev)
- death
Binary event indicator (1 = Death, 0 = Censored)
- enroll_time
Simulated enrollment time