Title Compute the Mann-Whitney estimand from Probability Mass Functions
The Mann-Whitney estimand is the tie-adjusted probability of a randomly selected individual from the population of treated individuals having a an outcome with a higher outcome category level than a randomly selected individual from the population of control individuals.
- pmf_0
A vector containing the PMF of outcomes in the control population, i.e. Pr(Y = 1 | A = 0), Pr(Y = 2 | A = 0), ...
- pmf_1
A vector containing the PMF of outcomes in the treated population, i.e. Pr(Y = 1 | A = 1), Pr(Y = 2 | A = 1), ...
- reverse_scale
(Scalar: Logical) Should the scales be reversed when calculating the Mann-Whitney estimand? This may be useful when lower categories indicate a preferable outcome.