This data.frame contains two time to event outcomes and two numeric outcomes, and is used for internal testing purposes. Enrollment time starts at day 0, with two individuals enrolled per day. The event time for the first event is the ceiling of the participant ID divided by 2. The event time for the second event is the participant ID multiplied by 2. The outcome time for the numeric outcome is equal to the participant ID, and the second outcome time is always 5 greater than the first outcome time.
A data frame with 10 rows and 12 columns:
- .id
Participant ID
- enrollment
Entry time
- x_1
A binary covariate
- tx
Binary treatment assignment
- tte_1
time to
- tte_2
time to
- event_1
Event 1 indicator
- event_2
Event 2 indicator
- y_1
Intermediate outcome - 1 of 2
- y_2
Final Outcome - 2 of 2
- .t_1
Time of intermediate outcome
- .t_2
Time of final outcome